Has potential, but...
I played twice and died both times via axeman spam. The first time was fairly early on when I tried to shoot around the axeman's shield and they just took me down. The second time, I had realized that there is no way around the shield and you just have to keep shooting at them until they open up. The problem is that when there are 5 axemen standing on top of each other, you just keep sending arrows into the fray and they keep getting blocked. I sent a volley of arrows and laid into them the whole time, but the 5 axemen single handedly destroyed me from 75%+ health.
I dont like that you improve your accuracy, but you still have to overshoot at enemies far away. You need more upgrades, more XP from kills, and other archers to help. Also, there MUST be a way to skip the cutscenes. The cutscenes (and the axemen) will keep me from trying again to do any better.
I thought it was a little bit weird I got the achievement for 300 headshots a full level before I got the achievement for 300 kills...
Like I said, it has potential, but it needs some work.